Monday, November 7, 2011


Well the semester is coming to a close, and it's time to post my completed portfolio.  Some of the pieces are finally enjoy (:

So, with it being a little past the midpoint of the semester, I thought I would post my portfolio of completed works.

This work was a still life of a pot. Simple enough. It is composed using charcoal, and the dry point technique.  There isn't any smudging.  It was one of my favorite projects to work on.

The next major project focused on linear perspective.  This was a challenging project, but allowed me to push the definitions of what reality is.  This isn't a completed work, but I hope to finish it quite soon.
The most recent project that we have been working on is the a still life, focusing on the development of form.  This uses a basic cow skull for the subject matter.  This piece is still in process, but should be finished in a few days. *Edit* Well this piece is finally completed, and I believe that it captures the likeness quite well.  Although it didn't quite meet the expected likeness, it still captures the shadows, and light pools.

After working on shading techniques for the first part of the semester, we moved on to the another technique using vine charcoal.  This technique had use covering the whole sheet with charcoal, and then essentially carving out the image. Another still life, it was defiantly an interesting technique.
After working for several weeks using charcoal, we finally made it to using oil pastels!  I really enjoyed working with this medium, with how forgiving it is compared to the charcoal.  I also enjoyed that we were moving away from the standard still life and progressing to portraits.  Here is the initial portrait:
And here is the portraits from the live model:
Although I enjoyed working on these, I did have some difficult getting the basic shapes and forms, as you can see from the first portrait.  The second piece I understood the concept better, and this was an unfinished work.