Monday, December 12, 2011

Open Figure session

So. Open figure session, was a very.....interesting experience.  I a.) had never drawn a model, and b.) I had never drawn a model....that was naked. Anyways it was a great learning experience, and I got more by watching other artists then really working on my own.  These two are just basic sketches, one done with regular charcoal, the other with vine charcoal.

Continued Randomness from the Sketchbook

So I know that it has been quite a while since my latest installment of my sketchbook.  The recent sketches have been really abstract, and slightly crazy.  I wasn't focusing on technique, but mainly wanting to just try different mediums and to just let it flow.  All of these are gesture drawings in charcoal.

This drawing was made with just a spare piece of charcoal in my just grew from random lines, and became this.

These three pieces were done with vine charcoal and were just playing with shading and the creation of ideas. 

This drawing was also done in vine charcoal, and just appeared at the bottom of my page one day.