Thursday, October 27, 2011

More Randomness from the Sketchbook (:

Alrighty. So here are some pieces that I have done since my last post. Most of them started as gesture drawings, and morphed into what they are.

This sketch was outside Cherry Hall.   I was trying to practice gesture drawing, which I really don't understand when applying to still life pieces (to each their own). It was a quick sketch, but it was nice to be outside.

I really enjoy shading. End statement.  I feel that can convey a piece better through shading then I can with line or placement.  This glass doesn't really exist to be honest, which could lead to issues with the light and such. But, its a sketch.

Again, I really, really enjoy shading.  This doesn't exist either, but I love still life pieces like this.  That's about all I have to say.

The following series of pieces are my abstract pieces, I guess?  All of them started as a gesture sketch, and just morphed into what they wanted to become.  I feel that the represent the blend of nature and humanity, and how even how we, ourselves are lost, we still have the deep connection to nature.  Or, interpret them for yourself. That's all.

Wedding? Funeral?  I think this piece captures the idea that both are a celebration of life and nature, whether it has passed or to come.

This piece is an expression of freeing oneself from the know and possible.

This piece represents the duality of image,self-worth, and discovery. Even if we cant see what others see in ourselves. 

This piece represents how we have bound Nature, and have built our cities and societies without embracing our own primal roots; we have forgotten.

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